The °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø Board of Education desires to ensure the most effective use of available funding to improve outcomes for all students. A comprehensive, data-driven planning process shall be used to identify annual goals and specific actions which are aligned with the district budget and facilitate continuous improvement of district practices.
The Board shall adopt a districtwide Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), based on the template adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE), that addresses the state priorities in Education Code 52060 and any local priorities adopted by the Board. The LCAP shall be updated on or before July 1 of each year. (Education Code 52060, 52064; 5CCR 15494-15497)
The LCAP shall focus on improving outcomes for all students, particularly those who are "unduplicated students" or are part of any numerically significant student subgroup that is at risk of, or is, underperforming.
Unduplicated students include students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals, English learners, and foster youth, as defined in Education Code 42238.01, for purposes of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). (Education Code 42238.02)
Numerically significant student subgroups include ethnic subgroups, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, English learners, students with disabilities, foster youth, and homeless students, when there are at least 30 students in the subgroup or at least 15 foster youth or homeless students. (Education Code 52052)
The Superintendent or designee shall review the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) submitted by each district school pursuant to Education Code 64001 to ensure that the specific actions included in the LCAP are consistent with strategies included in the SPSA. (Education Code 52062)
The LCAP shall also be aligned with other district and school plans to the extent possible in order to minimize duplication of effort and provide clear direction for program implementation.
As part of the LCAP adoption and annual update to the LCAP, the Board shall separately adopt an LCFF Budget Overview for Parents, based on the template developed by the SBE, which includes specified information relating to the district's budget. The Budget Overview for Parents shall be adopted, reviewed, and approved in the same manner as the LCAP and the annual update. (Education Code 52064.1)
Any complaint that the district has not complied with legal requirements pertaining to the LCAP may be filed pursuant to AR 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Policy. (Education Code 52075)
Plan Development
The Superintendent or designee shall gather data and information needed for effective and meaningful plan development and present it to the Board and community. Such data and information shall include, but not be limited to, data regarding the number of students in student subgroups, disaggregated data on student achievement levels, and information about current programs and expenditures.
The Board shall consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, parents/guardians, and students in developing the LCAP. Consultation with students shall enable unduplicated students and other numerically significant student subgroups to review and comment on LCAP development and may include surveys of students, student forums, student advisory committees, and/or meetings with student government bodies or other groups representing students. (Education Code 52060; 5 CCR 15495)
Public Review and Input
The Board shall establish or identify a parent advisory committee to review and comment on the LCAP. The committee shall be composed of a majority of parents/guardians and shall include parents/guardians of unduplicated students as defined above. The district may use existing parent advisory committees for these purposes if the committee composition complies with Education Code 52063; 5 CCR 15495.
Whenever district enrollment includes at least 15 percent English learners, with at least 50 students who are English learners, the Board shall establish an English learner parent advisory committee composed of a majority of parents/guardians of English learners to review and comment on the LCAP. (Education Code 52063; 5 CCR 15495)
The Superintendent or designee shall present the LCAP to the committee(s) before it is submitted to the Board for adoption, and shall respond in writing to comments received from the committee(s). (Education Code 52062)
The Superintendent or designee shall notify members of the public of the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCAP. The notification shall be provided using the most efficient method of notification possible, which may not necessarily include producing printed notices or sending notices by mail. All written notifications related to the LCAP shall be provided in the primary language of parents/guardians when required by Education Code 48985. (Education Code 52062)
The Board shall hold at least one public hearing to solicit the recommendations and comments of members of the public regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCAP. The public hearing shall be held at the same meeting as the budget hearing required pursuant to Education Code 42127 and AR 3100 - Budget. (Education Code 42127, 52062)
Adoption of the Plan
The Board shall adopt the LCAP prior to adopting the district budget, but at the same public meeting. This meeting shall be held after the public hearing described above, but not on the same day as the hearing. (Education Code 52062)
The Board may adopt revisions to the LCAP at any time during the period in which the plan is in effect, provided the Board follows the process to adopt the LCAP pursuant to Education Code 52062 and the revisions are adopted in a public meeting. (Education Code 52062)
Submission of Plan to County Superintendent of Schools
Not later than five days after adoption of the LCAP, the district budget, and the Budget Overview for Parents, the Board shall file the LCAP, the budget, and the Budget Overview for Parents with the County Superintendent of Schools. (Education Code 42127, 52064.1, 52070)
If the County Superintendent sends, by August 15, a written request for clarification of the contents of the LCAP, the Board shall respond in writing within 15 days of the request. If the County Superintendent then submits recommendations for amendments to the LCAP within 15 days of receiving the Board's response, the Board shall consider those recommendations in a public meeting within 15 days of receiving the recommendations. (Education Code 52070)
If the County Superintendent does not approve the district's LCAP, the Board shall accept technical assistance from the County Superintendent focused on revising the plan so that it can be approved. (Education Code 52071)
Monitoring Progress
The Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board, at least annually in accordance with the timeline and indicators established by the Superintendent and the Board, regarding the district's progress toward attaining each goal identified in the LCAP. Evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, an assessment of district and school performance reported on the California School Dashboard. Evaluation data shall be used to recommend any necessary revisions to the LCAP.
Technical Assistance/Intervention
At its discretion, the Board may submit a request to the County Superintendent for technical assistance, including, but not limited to: (Education Code 52071)
- Assistance in identifying district strengths and weaknesses in regard to state priorities, which includes the review of performance data on the state and local indicators included in the Dashboard and other relevant local data, and in identifying effective, evidence-based programs or practices that address any areas of weakness.
- Assistance from an academic, programmatic, or fiscal expert, or team of experts, in identifying and implementing effective programs and practices that are designed to improve performance in any identified areas of weakness. The district may engage other service providers, including, but not limited to, other school districts, county offices of education or charter schools, to provide such assistance.
In the event that the County Superintendent requires the district to receive technical assistance based on one or more numerically significant student subgroups meeting the criteria established pursuant to Education Code 52064.5, the Board shall work with the County Superintendent, or another service provider at district expense, and shall provide the County Superintendent timely documentation of the district’s completion of the activities listed in items #1-2 above or substantially similar activities. (Education Code 52071)
If referred to the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence by either the County Superintendent or the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI), the district shall implement the recommendations of that agency in order to accomplish the goals set forth in the district’s LCAP. (Education Code 52071, 52074)
Legal Reference:
305-306 English language education
17002 State School Building Lease-Purchase Law, including definition of good repair
33430-33436 Learning Communities for School Success Program; grants for LCAP implementation
41020 Audits
41320-41322 Emergency apportionments
42127 Public hearing on budget adoption
42238.01-42238.07 Local control funding formula
44258.9 County superintendent review of teacher assignment
48985 Parental notices in languages other than English
51210 Course of study for grades 1-6
51220 Course of study for grades 7-12
52052 Numerically significant student subgroups
52059.5 Statewide system of support
52060-52077 Local control and accountability plan
52302 Regional occupational centers and programs
52372.5 Linked learning program
54692 Partnership academies
60119 Sufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials; hearing and resolution
60605.8 California Assessment of Academic Achievement; Academic Content Standards Commission
64001 School plan for student achievement
99300-99301 Early Assessment Program
300 Dependent child of the court
15494-15497 Local control and accountability plan and spending requirements
6312 Local educational agency plan
6826 Title III funds, local plans
Management Resources:
The California School Dashboard and Small Districts, October 2018
Promising Practices for Developing and Implementing LCAPs, Governance Brief, November 2016
LCFF Rubrics, Issue 1: What Boards Need to Know °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø the New Rubrics, Governance Brief, rev. October 2016
California School Accounting Manual
California School Dashboard
LCFF Frequently Asked Questions
Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update (LCAP) Template
Family Engagement Framework: A Tool for California School Districts, 2014
California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards, 2013
California Common Core State Standards: English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, rev. 2013
California Common Core State Standards: Mathematics, rev. 2013
California English Language Development Standards, 2012
California Department of Education:
California School Dashboard:
Policy Adopted:Â January 14, 2020