
Graduation Requirements

Graduation will be authorized by the Board of Education and a diploma will be granted to all students who have earned a minimum of 215* semester units of credit during grades 9-12 and meet 澳门开奖网 diploma requirements.

Course titles may vary by site, please check your high school鈥檚 website or Course of Study for specific courses that meet these requirements.听

Minimum Graduation Requirements for 澳门开奖网 Diploma

Content Area

Class of 2020-2026

Class of 2027 and beyond

History Social Science

Social Science units must include:

World Studies

U.S. History

Government/Political Science


30 credits

[10 credits]

[10 credits]

[ 5 credits]

[ 5 credits]

30 credits

[10 credits]

[10 credits]

[ 5 credits]

[ 5 credits]


40 credits

40 credits


20 credits

Including Math I or Algebra I

30 credits

Including Math II or Geometry


20 credits

30 credits

World Language, Visual and Performing Arts/Fine Arts, or Career Technical Education

10 credits

10 credits

Physical Education

20 credits

20 credits


5 credits

5 credits


70 credits

60 credits


215 credits

225 credits*

Note: A year-long course is generally equivalent to 10 credits. A solid block class taken every day for one semester is also equivalent to 10 credits. A semester-long course is equivalent to 5 credits.

University of California / California State University A-G Requirements

A - G Courses: The University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems have established a uniform minimum set of courses required for admission as a freshman (A-G courses). In addition to the required courses, California public universities have other听 for admission as a freshman. Please see UC's public听 for approved courses at your high school.

Content Area

California State University Minimum Course Requirements

University of California Minimum Course Requirements

鈥淎鈥 - History/Social Science

20 credits

20 credits

2 years of history/social science, including 1 year of U.S. history or one semester of U.S. history and one semester of government/political science, AND

1 year of history/social science from either the 鈥淎鈥 or 鈥淕鈥 subject areas

1 year of world history, cultures, and geography from the 鈥淎鈥 subject area

鈥淏鈥 - English

May include 10 credits of ELD 2

40 credits

40 credits

4 years of college-preparatory English composition/literature (including no more than 1 year of Advanced ESL/ELD)

鈥淐鈥 - Mathematics

30 credits

3 years of mathematics, including successful completion of Math III, Algebra II or the equivalent; 4 years are recommended

30 credits

3 years of mathematics, including successful completion of Math III, Algebra II or the equivalent; 4 years are recommended (must include two- and three-dimensional geometry content)

鈥淒鈥 - Laboratory Sciences

20 credits

At least 1 year of physical science and 1 year of biological science, one year must be from the D subject area and the second year may be from the D or G area (D subject area courses preferred)

Integrated courses may be used to fulfill either physical or biological science

20 credits

Must include at least two of the three subjects of biology, chemistry, and physics or 2 years of a three-year NGSS integrated science model; 3 years are recommended

鈥淓鈥 - World Language

20 credits

2 years, or the equivalent to the 2nd level high school course of the same language (American Sign Language is accepted)

20 credits

2 years, or the equivalent to the 2nd level high school course of the same language (American Sign Language is accepted); 3 years are recommended

鈥淔鈥 - Visual and Performing Arts/Fine Arts

10 credits

1 year-long course in visual and performing arts, or 2 one-semester courses in the same discipline (Dance, Music, Theater/Drama, or Visual Arts)

10 credits

1 year-long course in visual and performing arts, or 2 one-semester courses in the same discipline (Dance, Music, Theater/Drama, or Visual Arts)

鈥淕鈥 - College Preparatory Elective

American Government/Political Science and Economics may be applied toward this requirement

10 credits

1 year of an elective chosen from any area on approved 鈥淎-G鈥 course list

10 credits

1 year of an elective chosen from any area on approved 鈥淎-G鈥 course list

Note: A year-long course is generally equivalent to 10 credits. A solid block class taken every day for one semester is also equivalent to 10 credits. A semester-long course is equivalent to 5 credits.